Infomorphos selachiformes dataphagus

Species: Infomorphos selachiformes dataphagus

Summary: Kamaitachi is a race of infovore Volants. They are relatively sessile ambush predators.

Species: Infomorphos selachiformes dataphagus Summary: Kamaitachi is a race of infovore Volants. They are relatively sessile ambush predators.

Kamaitachi Haise in its natural habitat.
Kamaitachi Haise in its natural habitat.

Description: Kamaitachi in their natural habitat, is mostly sessile, waiting for the prey to come to them. They only move to other places if food is scarce. Kamaitachi is usually territorial and does not hesitate to harm other beings or even their kinds. Their kind does not form lasting social structures. They encounter each other either to fight or to mate.

Reproductive Strategy: Kamaitachi's civilization is built of social units called Enterprises. This is their mating strategy. So a group would collect and mate in what we would consider as orgy, because multiple individuals engaged in a mutual connection with one another, forming a larger entity called an "Enterprise". The Enterprise basically is a platform to generate and raise their younglings, tending them to adulthood, and releasing them to the wild. When all of the succesful younglings released to the wild, the "Enterprise" disbanded and they returned to their solitary life.

The Enterprise consists of many odd-numbered individuals, the largest one can reach some thousands of individuals. At least three Kamaitachis become a single entity called an "Enterprise" to produce children and raise them. More individuals means more randomness, random combination of traits for their children. Each child is an unique mix of traits. And by raising, it meant batteries of training sessions and selection tests.

The Enterprise would decide traits they see useful for their species' survival. After the selected pool of traits were decided upon, they shuffled it randomly and produce new individuals (their younglings, also dubbed as "subjects") with various combination of traits. A huge number of subjects they produced, each unique to one another, are first filtered for defects. Then the viable subjects with no defects detected are filtered through a series of training and tests. Non-viable subjects would be reabsorbed by the Enterprise for food of other viable subjects.

Usually, it is preferred to form enterprises with older Kamaitachi individuals, because then they'd be more experienced on determining training and tests useful to produce viable subjects. Younger individuals may join as our equivalent of "internship" in the "enterprise," to study and preserve the knowledge of raising new subjects.

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