Department of Treasury

Summary: DoT is comprised of CFOs of companies from both Kuker Group and Prion Group.

DoI is comprised of CFOs of companies from both Kuker Group and Prion Group. Included to the DoT are Treasurers of the G28 Forces. They procure and provide facilities and maintenance, and those are their sole functions. Other matters didn't concern them.

There are two known members of DoT:

  1. Dr. Angelica Gears (f, 50), usually called Dr. Gears. Head of Robotics and Artificially Intelligent Agents. A replacement for Dr. Bain Armaniputera. She is highly perceptive, a perfectionist, and like to tidy her belongings and appearances. Very adaptive and resourceful in battle.
  2. Dr. Ninawati Berlina (f, 49), usually called Watt. Head of Manufacturing and Production of Armed Vehicles. A strong woman, with a warm heart.
  3. Dr. Emma Bright (f, 48), usually called Emma. Head of Memetics and Crowd Control. A hyperactive and playful woman. At the same time being very emotionally matured, high self control (except for coitus), and very intuitive.

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