Daniel Lusien

Civ: Humanity Race: Homo sapiens sapiens Summary: Xe: An orthopaedic surgeon that is a best friend of Steven, Fernando, and Helena; In: A professor in the fields of Epidemiology, Surgery, and Orthopaedics at a local university, also a husband of Helena Irawan. CharName: Daniel Lusien CharNameT: dr. Daniel Lusien, SpOT CharNick: Dan CharBD: 24 April 1986 CharCode: CharHeight: 178 cm CharWeight: 63 kg CharIQ: 171

Dan's Data Panel


Daniel Lusien

Full Name (with titles)

dr. Daniel Lusien, SpOT


24 April 1986


Homo sapiens sapiens


  1. Sylvano Lusien
  2. Abigail Sophia


Sylvia Lusien

Other Characteristics

Medical Conditions

Situs Inversus Totalis

IQ Score







Resident and co-owner of the Sejahtera Medica Clinic

KIA Position

Member of The Archangels

Daniel Lusien loved swimming, walking, and South Sulawesi's spicy food. He hated Java spicy food because it did not taste as good. In his opinion, javanese spices were just straightforward spicy, there was no richness and layers to its spiciness. His favorite side dish was crispy fried breadfruit with Makassar-style chili sauce. His favorite meal was Makassar Noodle Dumplings. He enjoyed Cendol and Coconut Water.

For clothing he preferred something comfortable to wear, usually sport clothes, and the color tend to be neutral dark. He disliked accessories, preferring to wear a small bag to store his belongings.

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