Adok Ranensis

Civ: Earth Colonization Initiative Race: Admir Locomotive Clade Summary: Multimodal Autonomous Transport Vehicle, Ranensis Line of Admir Locomotive Clade, and officially a full citizen of Etoan's Earth Colonization Initiative. A civil partner of Ashton, along with Tudva and Leaf. CharName: Adok Ranensis CharNick: Adran CharBD: 21 May 1956; 67,488.7841 CL

Adran's Data Panel
Birthdate21 May 1956; 67,488.7841 CL
Real NameAdok Ranensis
RaceAdmir Locomotive Clade
Height1.9 m
Length4.9 m
Width1.8 m
Computing Speed(@ ~1000 W) 5E22 bps
Storage Space5.33E27 bits
Intelligence RatingMTI+1.42; SI 0.95; T 0.47
Power Output (typical)10 kW to 90 kW
Power Output (maximum)up to 200 kW
Maximum speed246 km/h
Range (@ ~50 km/h cruise)~10,000 km
Range (@ ~100 km/h cruise)~7,000 km
Energy capacity1.01E10 J
Extractable mechanical work7.2E9 J
Energy sourceLOX/LH2 fuel
Fuel cell efficiency75.0%
Energy efficiency (fuel to tire)71.3%
Gross Vehicle Mass3,300 kg
Kerb Mass2,200 kg
Gross Combination Mass6,300 kg
Maximum Payload1,100 kg
Nett Vehicle Mass2,000 kg

Adok Ranensis a.k.a. Adran, was an Autonomous Transport Vehicle (ATV) the size of a SUV, has 7 seats, and 5 doors. His body is comparable in size, mass, and ability with a Pajero, plus the intelligence of a transapient. He loves being in road, because the state/feel of roaming across country roads, scaling up and down hills, and on open space provides him some sense of spiritual trance.

His birth (or awakening day) was on 21 May 1956, or 67,488.7841 CL. However he was sent to, and printed on Earth in 2003. He was a Multimodal Autonomous Transport Vehicle, Ranensis Line of Admir Locomotive Clade, and officially a full citizen of Etoan's Earth Colonization Initiative.

He has a certain disliking to Helena's normal car (dumb car, as Adran put it). His preferred coloration is black, and texture of a smooth natural stone. However he adopts a normal black car texture on normal city environment.

He prefers to use green lighting, and he likes the moon's UV radiance, though at day he would also enjoy power surges from the sun. However, he dislikes the very high intensity of light he had to work through, making him in a love-hate relationship with daytime. He naturally prefers driving on the road than flying because of his strong tactile senses on his tires. Flying, however, is not that hard for him to grasp.

Though Adran was self cleaning, he loved Daniel as Daniel tend to clean Adran thoroughly with care.

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