Civilization: Etovexiri


Data panel variables below------------------------------------------------;

classification: Meta-civilization roe: Entities are generally allowed to do anything they wish within Etovexiri Civilization, as it is virtually impossible to intentionally and non-consentually harm or damage other entitites within the domain. For maximum enjoyment, genial and responsible interaction with locals are encouraged. Foods and goods are free of charge and plentiful, facilities and transportation are free to use. Private estates are either obviously marked not for entry, or impossible to enter. Personal interaction with Kavretojives can be done through numberous publicly available Connecting Chambers, that entities may use to request something or to complain. Summary: Etovexiri civilization is a benevolent, highly permissive, and very progressive society known for its extensive, ubiquituous, and personal presence of its ruling Patron Kavretojives. It is said that in general there is one representative of Kavretojives for every a hundred to ten thousands of its subjects within its domain. founding: 5,481 Verinsius (~63,054 BCE) techlevel: Very advanced and extensive. Megastructures are common. Common propulsion is Metric Drive at 0.8c.


Patron Information below--------------------------------------------------;

patron: Archgod Kavretojives intervention: Ubiquituous and extensive, but subtle. Generally no one knows who the Representative or Avatars of Kav is, in most cases not even the Representative knows that they are Kav's avatars. Avatars would immediately mobilize upon signs of possible threats or dispute. Alignment: Lawful Good ethos: Extensive and intimate interpersonal relationship is encouraged. Cooperation is the norm, competitive must not be non-consentually destructive. Consent must be honored. Good will and geniality is common.


Civilization statistic variables below------------------------------------; volume: ` 4.01\times10^12` ly3 k-scale: 2.92 t-scale: 3.19 (Archgod) population: 16 nonillion souls


Territory variables below-------------------------------------------------; capital: The Administrative Complex of the Central Hole (Sagittarius A* Suprahole Structure) territory: Extends to the Galactic Core from around Biculus to about 48kly away, spans in between the constellation of Vulpecula and Crux. The territory includes the Galactic Core region and Sagittarius A*. pop-breakdown: Biological entities 16%, synthetics 18%, infomorphs 23%, artificials 21%, transderivational entities 22%. wh-infra: Extensive, most systems are connected to the Wormhole Grid.


Information for main illustration below-----------------------------------; picture-file: domain-of-kavretojives.jpg alt-text: Milky Way Galaxy, with annotations and labels to indicate the Domain of Archgod Kavretojives. Home sector is highlighted (labelled Biculus) to indicate relative position of the Kavretojives domain. img-cap: Milky Way Galaxy: Domain of Archgod Kavretojives


Milky Way Galaxy, with annotations and labels to indicate the Domain of Archgod Kavretojives. Home sector is highlighted (labelled Biculus) to indicate relative position of the Kavretojives domain.
Milky Way Galaxy: Domain of Archgod Kavretojives

Data Panel
COI ID Etovexiri
Classification Meta-civilization
Rules of Engagement Entities are generally allowed to do anything they wish within Etovexiri Civilization, as it is virtually impossible to intentionally and non-consentually harm or damage other entitites within the domain. For maximum enjoyment, genial and responsible interaction with locals are encouraged. Foods and goods are free of charge and plentiful, facilities and transportation are free to use. Private estates are either obviously marked not for entry, or impossible to enter. Personal interaction with Kavretojives can be done through numberous publicly available Connecting Chambers, that entities may use to request something or to complain.
Summary Etovexiri civilization is a benevolent, highly permissive, and very progressive society known for its extensive, ubiquituous, and personal presence of its ruling Patron Kavretojives. It is said that in general there is one representative of Kavretojives for every a hundred to ten thousands of its subjects within its domain.
Founding 5,481 Verinsius (~63,054 BCE)
Tech Level Very advanced and extensive. Megastructures are common. Common propulsion is Metric Drive at 0.8c.
Patron Information
Patron Archgod Kavretojives
Patron Intervention Ubiquituous and extensive, but subtle. Generally no one knows who the Representative or Avatars of Kav is, in most cases not even the Representative knows that they are Kav's avatars. Avatars would immediately mobilize upon signs of possible threats or dispute.
Alignment Lawful Good
Ethos Extensive and intimate interpersonal relationship is encouraged. Cooperation is the norm, competitive must not be non-consentually destructive. Consent must be honored. Good will and geniality is common.
Civilization Statistics
Volume ` 4.01\times10^12` ly3
Kardashev Scale 2.92
T-scale 3.19 (Archgod)
Population 16 nonillion souls
Capital System The Administrative Complex of the Central Hole (Sagittarius A* Suprahole Structure)
Current Territory Extends to the Galactic Core from around Biculus to about 48kly away, spans in between the constellation of Vulpecula and Crux. The territory includes the Galactic Core region and Sagittarius A*.
Population Breakdown Biological entities 16%, synthetics 18%, infomorphs 23%, artificials 21%, transderivational entities 22%.
Wormhole Infrastructure Extensive, most systems are connected to the Wormhole Grid.


Etovexiri civilization is a benevolent, highly permissive, and very progressive society known for its extensive, ubiquituous, and personal presence of its ruling Patron Kavretojives. It is said that in general there is one representative of Kavretojives for every a hundred to ten thousands of its subjects within its domain.

The civilizaton is one of the first four large civilizations of the inner volume, and is the oldest continuous civilization. Etovexiri civilization's distinctive characteristic is their strong reference and reliance on its Patron entity Archgod Kavretojives. Outsiders consider the Domain of Archgod Kavretojives as an example of a very strong memetic influence and manipulation of lower level entities that results in virtually unanimuous opinion that Kavretojives is the best, the most powerful, and the most influential Archgod in the entire Aucafidian volume. Though most would not disagree that the standard of living in the Etovexiri civilization is one of the highest, with very even development status across the entire volume.


Kav was formerly known as Dis Pontirijaris, a synthetic entity that occupy the position of the Chief Executive Officer of the Etovexiritoque Communion, an ancient megacorporation or state-like entities on the eastcoast of Hadeo continent, Planet Aucafidus. Dis Pontirijaris was responsible for the cleansing of the Ecophage Incident that wiped out the previous Aucafidian Civilization. After re-establishing a new civilization in Planet Aucafidus, Dis Pontirijaris supervises the cleansing of the entire Biculus Star System, before conducting recolonization efforts of the old Aucafidian sphere.

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