Civilization: Denefasan


Data panel variables below------------------------------------------------;

classification: Meta-civilization roe: Any entity happen to find themselves within the volume of Denefasan is relatively safe as long as they are not actively destroying local wildlife other than the purpose of sustenance. If an entity performed an active attempt to eliminate local wildlife for reasons other than sustenance purposes, the surrounding local life would fight back in a coordinated manner to eliminate and denature said aggressor. Summary: Denefasan is a pro-biotech civilization originated from surviving members of a malfunctioning bioship that crashed in a rocky planet of a star system about twenty two thousand light-years from Biculus. Their distinctive features are their tendency to switch or change bodies at will or on demand. founding: 33,506 Verinsius (~33,672 BCE) techlevel: Very advanced, mostly biotech. Common propulsion is Metric Drive at 0.8c.


Patron Information below--------------------------------------------------;

patron: Archgod Integrity intervention: Minimal, usually mediatory in nature, on Integrity's discretion only. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral ethos: Modular designs and psychology, biological structures and substrates are preferred. Education is paramount, growth and cooperation is encouraged. Consensus is preferred than the vote of majority. Intervention tend to be mediatory in nature.


Civilization statistic variables below------------------------------------; volume: ` 4.15\times10^11` ly3 k-scale: 2.82 t-scale: 3.10 (Archgod) population: 1.66 nonillion souls


Territory variables below-------------------------------------------------; capital: Denefasan System territory: The domain is located somewhere about 22 kly from Biculus in between the constellation of Vela and Crux, primarily on the Carina-Sagittarius Arm and extends to the Perseus Arm. pop-breakdown: Biological entities 33%, synthetics 30%, infomorphs 18%, artificials 11%, transderivational entities 8%. wh-infra: Moderate, in average star systems are within 50 ly away from the nearest gate.


Information for main illustration below-----------------------------------; picture-file: domain-of-denefasan.jpg alt-text: Milky Way Galaxy, with annotations and labels to indicate the Domain of Archgod Denefas. Home sector is highlighted (labelled Biculus) to indicate relative position of the Denefasan domain. img-cap: Milky Way Galaxy: Domain of Archgod Integrity


Milky Way Galaxy, with annotations and labels to indicate the Domain of Archgod Denefas. Home sector is highlighted (labelled Biculus) to indicate relative position of the Denefasan domain.
Milky Way Galaxy: Domain of Archgod Integrity

Data Panel
COI ID Denefasan
Classification Meta-civilization
Rules of Engagement Any entity happen to find themselves within the volume of Denefasan is relatively safe as long as they are not actively destroying local wildlife other than the purpose of sustenance. If an entity performed an active attempt to eliminate local wildlife for reasons other than sustenance purposes, the surrounding local life would fight back in a coordinated manner to eliminate and denature said aggressor.
Summary Denefasan is a pro-biotech civilization originated from surviving members of a malfunctioning bioship that crashed in a rocky planet of a star system about twenty two thousand light-years from Biculus. Their distinctive features are their tendency to switch or change bodies at will or on demand.
Founding 33,506 Verinsius (~33,672 BCE)
Tech Level Very advanced, mostly biotech. Common propulsion is Metric Drive at 0.8c.
Patron Information
Patron Archgod Integrity
Patron Intervention Minimal, usually mediatory in nature, on Integrity's discretion only.
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Ethos Modular designs and psychology, biological structures and substrates are preferred. Education is paramount, growth and cooperation is encouraged. Consensus is preferred than the vote of majority. Intervention tend to be mediatory in nature.
Civilization Statistics
Volume ` 4.15\times10^11` ly3
Kardashev Scale 2.82
T-scale 3.10 (Archgod)
Population 1.66 nonillion souls
Capital System Denefasan System
Current Territory The domain is located somewhere about 22 kly from Biculus in between the constellation of Vela and Crux, primarily on the Carina-Sagittarius Arm and extends to the Perseus Arm.
Population Breakdown Biological entities 33%, synthetics 30%, infomorphs 18%, artificials 11%, transderivational entities 8%.
Wormhole Infrastructure Moderate, in average star systems are within 50 ly away from the nearest gate.


Denefasan is a pro-biotech civilization originated from surviving members of a malfunctioning bioship that crashed in a rocky planet of a star system about twenty two thousand light-years from Biculus. Their distinctive features are their tendency to switch or change bodies at will or on demand. Their patron Archgod Integrity inhabits a domain between the border of Soul's domain and Teacher's domain. Integrity combines the tenets of Teacher, Administration, and Leader.

Denefasan civilization's central belief is in the balance of the Mind, and a Mind's integrity is highly respected. They are heavily influenced by Archgod Charisma and Archgod Overseer as they believes in perfection and balance. Denefasan society tend to be pro life and biotech, and Mind is their focus.

Form doesn't matter much for them, as they are used with the disembodiement of the mind. Forms only facilitates their needs, and is disposable. Modularity is highly sought for, and specialized bodies might be selected depending on their needs. They often rent bodies or develop bodies, that they occupy only when they have to.

When they are not occupying a body, they congregate, discuss, and plan for the fiturue. Their civilization does not seem to have any apparent government or ruling bodies. Most often, they focus more on cooperation, consensus, and public goals, almost like a distributed swarm hive mind.


Denefasan originates as a bioship from Soul's Domain that malfunctioned and performed an emergency flyby at a K-class star (today known as Denefas System) at about year 33,500 Verinsius. Its passengers, mostly stored in the form of embryos in biostasis, made an emergency landing at a barren terrestrial planet. The escape pod's bioreactor was then set to make the world a habitable world for the passengers before they are incubated. The escape pod essentially conducted aucaforming on the surface of a planet now known as Planet Denefas.

With assistance of the onboard biocomputers AI, the planet was made into a lush gardenworld with wildlife designed to serve the surviving members on demand. Every animals except the bodies of survivors on the planet larger than about a meter in size possessed a patch of relatively unprotected skin near their spinal chord.

The original survivors (today known as Denefasan Centipedes) modified their body in a manner that their form factor resembled a large centipede on Earth, with thirty three body segments and pairs of legs in total. Whenever required, a denefasan would climb up to a suitable animal and position their legs on the unprotected skin pores of said animal, and puncture through the areas directly toward the host's spinal chord. The mandibles on their head segment would connect to the base of the host's brain and injected a signal that would turn off higher cognitive functions of the host. The host then entered a controlled mode, where their senses and bodies were relayed to the attached Denefasan, and the attached Denefasan would relay back motor instructions toward the nerve endings of their legs connected to the host's spinal cord.

Present day

The original Denefasan Centipedes are now more commonly found near Denefasan System. Farther away from Denefasan System, the Denefasan Centipedes are increasingly rarer. However, most civilizations within Denefasan volume still maintain the use of flexible, reusable, and replaceable bodies, while residing mostly on minimal, removeable, and compact mind-carrying cores. The design of cores vary across worlds and civilizatons.

Worlds within the volume tend to be completely terraformed, even various smaller bodies near the edge of their star systems. The space in the star system tend to be populated with various artificial habitats in various size and complexity. They employ various means of ensuring habitability on each worlds, including but not limited to beamed powers, artificial luminaries, or even stellification of gas giants, white dwarfs, or brown dwarfs.

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