Civilization: Aucafidian


Data panel variables below------------------------------------------------;

classification: Meta-civilization roe: Any entity entering systems closer to HD 28185 (Biculus) star system is allowed to do literally everything they are allowed to do. Any attempt to inflict pain or damage to other beings or structures might either be intervened directly by local avatars, or being completely undone (reverted) upon the completion of said act. Facade is not required and is virtually impossible against any patrolling avatars. It is encouraged to engage with locals in a recreational, competitive and/or cooperative manner, though active aggression might be met with resistance and/or intervention by the patrolling avatars. Summary: A large body of various civilizations with a shared trait that their ancestry could be traced back to Planet Aucafidus. founding: ~70,800 years ago techlevel: Vary across domains. Common propulsion is Metric Drive at 0.8c.


Patron Information below--------------------------------------------------;

patron: Ten Archgods of Aucafidian Sphere intervention: Vary across domains Alignment: Various ethos: Vary across domains


Civilization statistic variables below------------------------------------; volume: ` 1.18\times10^13` ly3 k-scale: 2.97 t-scale: 3.22 (Archgod) population: 47.2 nonillion souls


Territory variables below-------------------------------------------------; capital: Traditionally Planet Aucafidus (planet of origin) territory: The entire Aucafidian volume extends everywhere to about 47,700 ly from HD 28185 (Biculus) pop-breakdown: Various kind of entities exist, be Aucafidian-descendent or xeno entities. wh-infra: Sufficiently extensive, almost no star systems are located more than 100 lightyears from a nearby wormhole gate.


Information for main illustration below-----------------------------------; picture-file: galactic-political-map.jpg alt-text: Milky Way Galaxy, with annotations and labels to indicate Domains of Ten Aucafidian Archgods. img-cap: Milky Way Galaxy: Domains of Ten Aucafidian Archgods


Milky Way Galaxy, with annotations and labels to indicate Domains of Ten Aucafidian Archgods.
Milky Way Galaxy: Domains of Ten Aucafidian Archgods

Data Panel
COI ID Aucafidian
Classification Meta-civilization
Rules of Engagement Any entity entering systems closer to HD 28185 (Biculus) star system is allowed to do literally everything they are allowed to do. Any attempt to inflict pain or damage to other beings or structures might either be intervened directly by local avatars, or being completely undone (reverted) upon the completion of said act. Facade is not required and is virtually impossible against any patrolling avatars. It is encouraged to engage with locals in a recreational, competitive and/or cooperative manner, though active aggression might be met with resistance and/or intervention by the patrolling avatars.
Summary A large body of various civilizations with a shared trait that their ancestry could be traced back to Planet Aucafidus.
Founding ~70,800 years ago
Tech Level Vary across domains. Common propulsion is Metric Drive at 0.8c.
Patron Information
Patron Ten Archgods of Aucafidian Sphere
Patron Intervention Vary across domains
Alignment Various
Ethos Vary across domains
Civilization Statistics
Volume ` 1.18\times10^13` ly3
Kardashev Scale 2.97
T-scale 3.22 (Archgod)
Population 47.2 nonillion souls
Capital System Traditionally Planet Aucafidus (planet of origin)
Current Territory The entire Aucafidian volume extends everywhere to about 47,700 ly from HD 28185 (Biculus)
Population Breakdown Various kind of entities exist, be Aucafidian-descendent or xeno entities.
Wormhole Infrastructure Sufficiently extensive, almost no star systems are located more than 100 lightyears from a nearby wormhole gate.


Aucafidian is an umbrella term for a large number of civilizations in the core worlds and buffer zones of the civilized galaxy. Almost all of them (with notable exceptions of some true alien species) are either related to or possess ancestry or origin from entities present in or used to be from Planet Aucafidus. Most civilizations in the core worlds and buffer zones are ruled by superintelligent entities or Powers, thus rendered any action against the powers to be futile or fruitless.

Interaction between entities are either heavily regulated or heavily ignored, though most often they are mediated. This mediation, either by direct intervention of the avatars of the ruling Powers, or via technological assistance, rendered virtually all non-consensual crimes or harm against other beings or properties to be impossible or ineffective.

Due to their sheer quantities, each of those civilizations would have their own dedicated pages.

COI IDAlignmentSummary
EtoanLawful GoodEtoan is a civilization comprised of baseline Eto aucafidi, mainly concentrated in the preservation zone Planet Aucafidus.
Earth Colonization InitiativeLawful NeutralEtoan's Earth Colonization Initiative is a colonial civilization body comprised of multitude of species with the aim of study of, and integration with Earth's inhabitants.
Divine Council of EarthLawful NeutralDivine Council of Earth originated from a lone Aucafidian Power that established itself as the caretaker of Earth and its inhabitants.

Meanwhile, below is an automated list for articles within this group with a link toward Aucafidian category.

COI IDAlignmentSummary
AucafidianVarious A large body of various civilizations with a shared trait that their ancestry could be traced back to Planet Aucafidus
DenefasanChaotic Neutral Denefasan is a pro-biotech civilization originated from surviving members of a malfunctioning bioship that crashed in a rocky planet of a star system about twenty two thousand light-years from Biculus. Their distinctive features are their tendency to switch or change bodies at will or on demand. 
EtovexiriLawful Good Etovexiri civilization is a benevolent, highly permissive, and very progressive society known for its extensive, ubiquituous, and personal presence of its ruling Patron Kavretojives. It is said that in general there is one representative of Kavretojives for every a hundred to ten thousands of its subjects within its domain. 

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