
A meme is defined in Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture."1 Richard Dawkins defined meme as a noun that "conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation."2 In short, a meme is a unit of idea or clusters of information that resides in mind with self-replicating nature.

An antimeme, is the opposite of a meme. It is an idea or clusters of information that is either very hard or impossible to replicate, transmit, retain, or learn. In short, an antimeme is a unit of idea or clusters of information that is non-replicating in nature.

Examples of antimemes in real life includes a highly guarded secret information, one's dream, or the face of a random passerby one coincided with during their daily commute. It might also include a long passage of text that does not interest the reader, and therefore neither replicated, transmitted, retained, or learned by that reader. The most extravagant antimeme on Earth is the existence of the Great Wheels that is restricted in the same plane as Planet Earth's terminator line.

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2 Dawkins, Richard (1989), "11. Memes: the new replicators", The Selfish Gene (2nd ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 368, ISBN 978-0-19-217773-5, p. 352.

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